We are an Anglican church community dedicated to expressing God's love for the world.
Everyone is welcome to attend our services, regardless of faith tradition. If you are considering a visit to Holy Trinity, we invite you to view our Sunday Services section for information about service times and what our public worship looks like.
Wherever you are on your faith journey, a warm welcome awaits you at Holy Trinity, Kitchener!
Our worship services are fully accessible by a ramp and two-stage lift which provides full access to our building.
We also have a hearing loop system in our church sound system for those with hearing difficulties.
You’ll be greeted as you come in and no previous experience is necessary.
The 11:00am service is projected entirely on the screens, simply find a comfortable seat and follow along.
Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly when you need to stand or sit (it isn’t really that important) and only join in when you feel comfortable.
We use a mix of traditional and contemporary music with the words also projected on the screens.
There will be a monetary offering taken up (you are welcomed to contribute to the operation of the parish but please don’t feel you have to!)
The service includes a short children’s sermon before Sunday school, a sermon, prayers for the community and the celebration of the Eucharist or Holy Communion.
At the Communion all baptized Christians are welcomed to receive the bread and the wine. Simply come up to the altar rail at the time of communion to receive with everyone else. Simply cup your hands to receive the bread and either drink from or touch the cup. If you do not wish to receive, you may still come forward, cross your arms across your chest and receive a blessing. You may request a blessing for healing.
At this service modern language is used and three scripture passages are read – one from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament and one from the Gospels.
If there is a question that comes to mind during the service, the sermon or during your exploration of the community you can ask after the service, send an email to: [email protected]
Holy Trinity is an Anglican church, which means we value and celebrate the historical Anglican expression of the Christian faith. We believe that the good news of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is relevant to everyone and can transform all our lives. But wherever you are on your spiritual journey or just curious, you are welcome here to explore the diversity of our faith.
At Holy Trinity we believe that God calls us into the world to make a tangible difference in other people’s lives. We have many different outreach opportunities to help our community and our neighbours.
Mission Statement of the Anglican Church of Canada
Anglican tradition affirms three historic creeds: the Apostles’ Creed, the The Nicene Creed, and the The Athanasian Creed.
Current work at General Synod is shaped by the Five Marks of Mission, used widely throughout the Anglican Communion.
Bible Reading ... Resources for Sunday Morning Readers (Lectors)
Online Lectionary
Just choose the date and click "show new date"
Spiritual Classics
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Never Stop Learning
Renison Institue of Ministry
A calendar of courses and workshops to develop your faith
Never Stop Helping
The Anglican Church
Holy Trinity Kitchener is located in the diocese (a district under the supervision of a bishop) of Huron, which is in turn a part of the Anglican Church of Canada.
Back to our roots:
Living Stones Triptych
by Cassandra Knapp
When you enter the foyer at Holy Trinity, you will see this beautiful three-part mosaic gracing the wall overlooking the stairs to our fellowship hall.
Mosaic art is part of our Christian history.
The church is described as being made up of ‘living stones’:
“You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:5).
Each stone, or tesserae, makes up part of the overall design. All church members are part of a greater plan (whether you’re a “square” or an “odd-shaped” bit). Mirror tiles are included so that people will be able to see themselves in the design.
The Design
Starting from the centre, there is the Alpha-Omega design. God, the Beginning and the End, is our centre.
The doves flying out from the centre represent God’s love and peace through the Holy Spirit carried by the Church to the world. <
The mariner’s compass is symbolic of direction. We are to bring God’s love and peace to the corners of the earth.
The grapes and the vine are symbolic of Christ’s metaphor:
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
This is symbolic of abiding in Christ and his disciples’ bearing fruit.
Around the compass are some the words of the doxology, taken from Ephesians 3:20-21:<
“Glory to God—whose power working in us can do infinitely more that we can ask or imagine.”
The companion side pieces affirm that Christ is with us in all the times of life, both the good and the bad. Staying with the nautical theme of the piece, the two sections portray two stories from the life of Christ.
The left section, Thanks Be to God, depicts the great catch of fish (see Luke 5), and represents the times when we experience God's bounty.
The right section, Peace Be With You, portrays the storm just before Jesus calms the sea (see Luke 8). It represents the times when the storms of life surround us, but affirms our faith that Christ remains with us.