Sunday Worship

Who prepares the altar for Sunday? What about the coffee and tea served after the service? There are number of ways be a part of the ministry of public worship before, during and after the service.

Altar Guild
  • The people of the altar guild prepare the altar for Sunday services. Training is provided. The Altar Guild is responsible for additional decorations at Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter, and get together to make palm crosses prior to Palm Sunday.
  • Often the first person you see when you enter the church, the greeters at Holy Trinity are a big part of making everyone feel welcome. They also provide information and directions to other areas of the church.
Ushers (Sidespeople)
  • The welcome continues with these men and women as they provide bulletins, directions, and any assistance necessary. During the service, they collect the offering and provide direction for those coming to the front to receive Communion.
  • A member of the congregation who has been trained to run the presentation software, which provides the congregation with guidance through the liturgy, song lyrics, and congregational responses.
Lay Readers
  • Sundays at 11:00am
  • During the service, lay readers come to the front to read a portion of Scripture. There are usually two readers each week, one for the reading preceding the Psalm, and one for the reading that follows.
  • A lay person offers the Prayers of the People during the service, at which time prayers are offered for the church, both local and worldwide, our country and the world.
Coffee Hour
  • This time following the 11:00am morning service is a time for refreshment and conversation. This simple but vital part of our ministry is made possible by our coffee hour organizers, who provide the cheese and crackers, sandwiches, fruit, cake or cookies (and frequently all of the above!), as well as coffee and tea.